- Doppelter Daumenöffner (für Links- und Rechtshänder geeignet)
- Klinge aus Eickhorn Professional Stahl
- Verriegelung mit Sicherheitsstopp
- Eloxierter AIMg3 Aluminiumgriff mit Hosenclip
Eickhorn EPK-HD Taschenmesser:
Das EPK wurde als etwas einfachere Einsteigerversion vom PRT abgeleitet. Der Fokus lag darauf, ein preiswertes Messer für den täglichen Gebrauch ohne Kompromisse in der bewährten Eickhorn Qualität zu schaffen. Das EPK gibt es in 5 verschiedenen Farben, 3 Klingenformen und mit oder ohne beschichteter Klinge. Allen gemeinsam sind die 2,5 mm starken Klingen, der doppelte Daumenöffner (für Links- und Rechtshänder geeignet) und die stabilen Aluminiumgriffe.
Eickhorn Solingen:
Eickhorn knives are characterized by their particular functionality and robustness. Originally the popular combat and rescue knives were made almost exclusively for the authorities, but nowadays civilians can also purchase these knives.
In order to produce the best quality, Eickhorn only uses the very best raw materials and materials. These are then given to the carefully selected employees, who use them to shape the Eickhorn knives. When it came to damask knives, Eickhorn opted for the famous damask smith Markus Balbach, who is one of the best of his craft in Europe. Its damask blades shine with expressiveness and are characterized by their individual design.
Eickhorn has been manufacturing its knives in the blade city of Solingen, home to many outstanding knife manufacturers, for over 150 years. Some of these manufacturers have meanwhile relocated their headquarters abroad in order to save costs and to be able to sell more cheaply. Eickhorn would like to distance itself from this trend and would like to make it clear that Solingen will remain the production facility.
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