For the production of Hubertus hunting knife only the best materials are used. This is the only way the company can achieve such high quality Hubertus hunting knife to reach. Hubertus Solingen is a long-established Solingen manufacturer of knives and has won over numerous customers over the decades with its specialization in the hunting sector. Founded Hubertus knife as early as 1932 and is now run by the third generation of the Ritter family.
The history of the traditional company Hubertus Solingen
The foundation of the cutlery company Hubertus Solingen took place on March 1, 1932 by Kuno Ritter. The focus of the factory was initially on knife blades. Just a year later, the range was expanded Hubertus pocket knife, Professional and household knives expanded. After the Second World War, the J. Albert Schmidt trading house was bought, with which the Hubertus brand was also taken over. The name originated from the patron saint of hunters. Thus were HubertusHunting knife produced. In addition, other species such as Hubertus Jagdnicker or HubertusHunting pocket knife developed. With the purchase of another steel goods factory in Solingen, the production of Hubertuspocket knife get extended. The company subsequently received orders from respected companies around the world.
Today as then - top quality cutlery
Hubertus knife is now run by the third generation of the Ritter family. The offer is broad with, among other things Hubertus hunting knife, Nicker, pocket knives and collector's knives. Which the Hubertus company sells worldwide.
History of the knife city of Solingen
The name “City of Blades” can be traced back to a traditional history of Solingen. This tradition began in the Middle Ages with the sword and knife makers' guild. Due to the many rivers, Schleifkotten emerged and trade relations could be expanded. The short distance to Cologne and the principle of division of labor were also useful. These advantages led to the settlement of knife manufacturers in the 16th century. As a result, the Solingen knives, provided with their own mark, stood for quality all over the world and were valued by European aristocrats. The blade industry was the decisive economic factor in Solingen until the 19th century. After a temporary low caused by the First World War, there was renewed economic success due to mechanization. This is how the name "Blade City" came about in 2012.
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