EICKHORN is one of the oldest knife manufacturers in Solingen and has stood for the quality of the traditional craft of knife making and maximum functionality for around 140 years. EICKHORN Solingen knives are valued worldwide for outdoor use. In the beginning, the police, military and special units were the target group for EICKHORN knives, combat knives, military knives and bayonet. It was only over time that the innovative knives were also increasingly designed for the private sector and are often found among collectors. EICKHORN Messer has thus managed to create a range for both target groups that provides all-round reliable equipment.
EICKHORN knives at Messervertrieb Rottner
In the 4th generation you will find us from Knife sales Rottner unique knives and cutlery from the traditional manufactories of the knife city of Solingen. The exquisite quality, the excellent functionality as well as the outstanding designs make the Solingen art of blacksmithing known worldwide. EICKHORN knives from Solingen are also traditionally manufactured and impress with high-performance blade material such as stainless steel 1.4110, ergonomically shaped handles and functional features such as cases with Velcro fasteners or belt loops. You can buy a large selection of EICKHORN knives exclusively from us in our online shop. Find your personal EICKHORN Solingen knife now. When placing your order, please note that EICKHORN knives are only sold to people who have reached the age of 18 and who have undergone a visual age check. An officially valid photo document must be presented to our logistics partner upon delivery.
The story behind EICKHORN knives
In 1865 Carl Eickhorn founded EICKHORN Solingen. The first production hall was built in 1875 and the manufacture of EICKHORN knives began. Even then, quality and careful processing had top priority, so that every step of production received the greatest attention. This fact has not changed to this day. Far more. Over the years, EICKHORN Solingen has managed to consistently improve its quality through ongoing development. The first draft of the logo followed in 1880: two squirrels sitting back to back. In 1885, due to increasing demand, the second production facility was opened. As early as 1900, EICKHORN knives were synonymous with quality around the world. EICKHORN Solingen has remained true to its roots to this day and has always produced its EICKHORN knives at the same location 100 % "Made in Solingen".
This is what you can expect from EICKHORN knives from Solingen
The traditional production of the EICKHORN knives is still one of the distinguishing features of the manufacturer. This is skilfully combined with the latest technology. For the blades, EICKHORN Solingen relies on high-performance steels that have impressive properties. With one of the best Damascus smiths from all over Europe on board, EICKHORN knives make a real statement of masterly quality and are also visually more than impressive thanks to the stylish details. EICKHORN Solingen built its first large factory in 1900 and also included cutlery in its range. Around 20 years later, the sword appeared in the logo for the first time, which is still used in this form today. The location of EICKHORN Solingen has also remained unchanged to this day - for good reason. While more and more companies are relocating the production of their knives to the Far East, Original EICKHORN Solingen is staying true to its location. The more than 150-year tradition of the best German cutlery production, which is inextricably linked to the Solingen site, will live on in the future. State-of-the-art CNC machining centers guarantee the high quality standard of EICKHORN knives. Carefully selected raw materials and the latest quality assurance systems are the basis for the best EICKHORN knives. The company was certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 in 2006 and has been confirmed annually to this day.
Our selection of EICKHORN knives
Take a look around our comprehensive range and discover the best EICKHORN knives like this Forester II, which comes with a blade made of stainless and coated 1.4110 steel in the colors beryllium and US TAN metallic and has an ergonomic handle in an olive green tone. A sturdy leather sheath with belt loop is included. You buy an outstanding EICKHORN knife for professional use with the EICKHORN KM2000, which is approved as the official combat knife of the German armed forces with the NATO stock number 1095-12-355-6742. The excellent double-edged tanto blade is refined with a black Kalgard coating and has a partial serrated edge. The supple plastic handle of the EICKHORN knife is innovatively reinforced with fiberglass. Alternatively, you can choose a blade made of stainless steel 1.4110 (Bundeswehr version). The EICKHORN Solingen Defender series consists of two machetes, each with a different blade length between 15.2 and 18.2 cm, so that a suitable size can be found for every application. EICKHORN Solingen opted for a blade thickness of 4.7 mm, which makes it extremely stable. Thanks to the non-slip and closed G-10 handle scales, the EICKHORN knife feels particularly good in the hand. A special design especially for the technical relief organization is the EICKHORN THW Special, which EICKHORN Solingen manufactures with an SGT-coated blade made of stainless steel 1.4110 (HRC 56). The coating has special properties so that the blades glow for several hours when fully charged. The handle is made of anodized AlMg3 aluminum. Ultimately, EICKHORN Solingen installed a lockable mandrel on the innovative tactical knife, which can be used as a knot remover and integrates a lock with safety stop. The range of EICKHORN knives also includes functional hunting cutlery, Rescue knife and much more.
Buy EICKHORN knives from Messervertrieb Rottner
EICKHORN knives stand for maximum quality when it really matters in action or outdoors. With a purchase value of €50 or more, you can order your selection of EICKHORN knives from our online shop with free shipping within Germany. We ensure our fast delivery within 2 to 4 working days with our shipping partner DHL. We also offer you different payment methods, such as secure purchase on account. If you have any questions about EICKHORN knives, just take Contact up to us. We are happy to take the time to personally address your concerns.
Areas of application of Eickhorn knives
Eickhorn knives fulfill various purposes from military to civilian. Three uses of three different knives are shown below.
Durch Zufall bin ich auf den Messervertrieb-Rottner gestoßen. Ich wollte neue Kochmesser aus Solingen kaufen, natürlich an einem Rosenmontag. Rosenmontag und Großraum Köln hat so seine Tücken. Da ich gerne unterschiedliche Messer mal in der Hand gehabt hätte, war dieser Tag zunächst schlecht gewählt. Bis ich den Messervertrieb-Rottner entdeckte. Dieser hat sich auf viele Solinger Messerschmieden spezialisiert und hat die Auswahl der unterschiedlichen Messer auch vor Ort. Somit die ideale Gelegenheit, alle Unterschiedlichen auch mal in der Hand halten zu können, zudem noch mit super Erklärungen zu diesen. Und auch eine Eigenmarke aus Solingen ist vorhanden: "Fachwerk-Messer". Daher kann ich den Messervertrieb-Rottner ohne Einschränkungen weiterempfehlen. Ich würde immer wieder dort hingehen, wenn ich Kochmesser suchen würde. Die einzige Einschränkung dort ist, dass sie sich noch nicht so gut mit Schneidebrettern auskennen. Aber auch dieses ist ein großes Feld, was sicherlich dort noch in den Fokus rutscht. Ich bin glücklich mit meinen Messern, ich habe mich für Fachwerk-Messer entschieden und sage Danke für die super Beratung.
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Habe das KM2000 online bestellt. Die Böhlerstahlvariante . Messer wurde gut verpackt versandt. Qualität erstklassig. Würde hier wieder bestellen. Sehr zu empfehlen ***
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