Individual laser engraving - personalize your knife now
Knife with engraving are real eye-catchers in the kitchen. They combine sharpness and individuality and are the perfect kitchen tools when it comes to cutting, choppinglinen and peeling is possible. Whether meat knives, bread knives or chef's knives - the engraving gives them a very personal touch.
Knife with engraving as a gift
The 50th birthday of a hobby chef is on the appointment calendar. What do amateur cooks need? Exactly: knives in the most varied of variants. In that case, a new kitchen knife with a Laser engraving but really on. The birthday child not only receives a practical kitchen helper, but a knife that reminds of this special day and occasion every time it is used. For other occasions such as weddings, silver or gold weddings, a knife with an engraving is one of the extraordinary gift ideas.
In our online shop from Messervertrieb Rottner you can choose and design your very own individual and special gifts. And that is how it works.
Design individually - the knife with engraving
Select the knife you want in our online shop. If a laser engraving is possible, you can recognize this by the addition "+ Individual laser engraving". Select this additional option and then design your text and the desired design easily online. In terms of design, you can choose from various categories such as “wedding”, “birthday” and “hunting”. Select your preferred engraving from predefined lettering. You can select what your engraved knife will look like after laser engraving using the "Preview".
Would you like to design the knife completely individually? Select the right one from various fonts, sizes and styles and customize the selected knife online.
Are you satisfied with the result? Then put the knife designed online in the shopping cart. As payment options, choose from purchase on account, PayPal or bank transfer. Once we have received your order in our shop, we will laser the desired engraving onto the selected knife. After about 5 to 7 working days you will have your very own knife in your hands.

Knife with engraving - your own design
In unserem Konfigurator finden Sie nicht das richtige Design? Dann gestalten Sie einfach Ihr eigenes Design und senden uns dieses als Vektordatei zu. Alle Messer aus unserem Onlineshop sind auch mit Ihrem eigenen Design gravierbar.
Auch eine Fräsgravur wie im rechts gezeigten Beispiel, führen wir gerne für Sie durch. Bedingung dafür ist, dass im Messergriff ein Gravur Plättchen eingearbeitet ist. Das ist vor allem bei Jagdtaschenmessern oft der Fall.
If you have any questions about laser engraving or special requests, please contact us using the contact form below. We will surely find a solution together with you!
Note: The laser engraving can only be ordered in conjunction with a knife. Personalized knives are excluded from the right of return.