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    The family company Credo - tradition and innovation

    "Quality First" is the motto of the founder Gustav Kracht, who has been with the company since 1924. Regardless of whether it concerns the self-manufactured products or purchased products: The quality standard is the basis for all decisions of the company, which is now in its 4th generation. Only when these are met can a product leave the company and bear the name Credo.

    90 years of tradition

    Inventiveness, inventive talent, the courage to take risks and the willingness to change are characteristics that characterize the more than 90-year tradition of the Credo company: Credo was the inventor of the can opener and the callous slicer at a time when the company was in the household "As well as" Beauty "was active. By concentrating on the beauty sector, the company consolidated its international reputation as the leading company in the manufacture and sale of mechanical pedicure instruments with an international reputation. Another patent for the safety planer improved the properties of the otherwise mature callous planer, which has meanwhile been produced millions of times. It was again the pioneering spirit and the willingness to take risks of the current management that brought color into the bathroom with the introduction of the POP ART line and once again expressed the uniqueness of Credo products for pedicure and manicure instruments with a well-designed range. credo-laengshobel-safety-planer-yellow-buying

    Loyalty pays off

    The pillars of the business are formed by the many thousands of podiatrists and podiatrists as well as loyal customers in retail and wholesale. Every day, professional podiatrists open the small letters with the Credo logo on the planer blades, which have been packed tens of millions of times, and thus make an invaluable contribution to the maintenance and formation of the Credo brand in Germany and over 60 countries. Drugstores, beauty salons, pharmacies, department stores, perfumeries and online trading form the second strong pillar of the company.

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