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    Fixed knives

    For adventurers, campers and anglers is a fixed knives A must-have for the outdoor area and is part of the basic equipment, so to speak. The purpose of this knife is very versatile and due to its nature an ideal companion. Whether collecting mushrooms with the family, carving around the campfire or gutting the fish you have caught yourself - that Outdoor knife is the right tool for this. The online shop of Messervertrieb Rottner carries a very large selection of knives, including the leisure and outdoor all-rounder: the Outdoor knife from Solingen. Since these knives are often used for leisure activities, they are also known as leisure knives.

    Outdoor knife from Solingen

    Solingen is not just a city in Germany, but a registered trademark for quality knives and quality scissors in the household and leisure sector. The knives and scissors from Solingen are indicative of excellent workmanship and very good quality. Solinger is made by hand Outdoor knife sowie hochwertige Jagdmesser, Küchen- oder Spezialmesser, die höchsten Ansprüchen der verschiedenen Anwender gerecht werden. Unterschiedliche Klingenformen und -längen sowie ergonomisch geformte Griffe stehen für den hohen Qualitätsstandard der Messermanufakturen Solingen. Seit vielen Jahrzehnten stellen Firmen wie Puma, Hubertus oder Hartkopf die verschiedensten Arten von Messern her, die für Freizeit, Camping und Jagd die perfekten Begleiter darstellen.

    Well equipped in the outdoor area

    The perfect companions for a camping adventure are the high-quality fixed ones Outdoor knife aus Solingen. Generell sollten Sie sich jederzeit auf Ihr Messer als Arbeitsgerät verlassen können. Aus diesem Grund wurden die Freizeitmesser beispielsweise speziell für Aktivitäten in der Wildnis konzipiert. Ob als Hebelwerkzeug, Chef's knife oder als Spaltwerkzeug eingesetzt – diese Messer bieten Ihnen ein breit gefächertes Spektrum in puncto Verwendung. Zudem sind die Freizeitmesser aus den Messermanufakturen Solingen sehr zuverlässig und halten wechselnden Bedingungen wie Hitze, Kälte oder starker Beanspruchung stand. Outdoor knife you get as fixed Knife and as a folding knife. The knives are particularly hard-wearing and robust. In addition, the blades are with the fixed Knives usually last longer, which makes the possible uses more diverse. The Outdoor knife, which you can get in the online shop of Messervertrieb Rottner, are supplied with a matching knife sheath that offers the appropriate protection. Our recommendations for you: Choose your very own one Outdoor knife from the excellent range. Every knife from the knife manufacture Solingen stands for a product that is handcrafted and made with the highest precision. As a result, the knives from Messervertrieb Rottner give you a long service life. The blades of the knives are sharp for a long time due to their excellent workmanship, but can easily be re-sharpened if necessary.

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